Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is this about? I really have no idea. I am going to write shit, and then make amusing photoshops illustrating my point. Well, they will amuse me at any rate. I actually use The Gimp to edit, which is free, but if you don't know anything about installing and using a high end photo editor, stick with photoshop for now. I'll start by way of introduction. Hi. I'm Howard. I'm 46, I'm Bipolar Type I, bordering on Schizophrenia, as well as Adult ADD. I have a wonderful and terrifying 11 year old daughter, Child, and a OCD Jack Russel/Mutt dog that likesloveshunts small rodents as if her breathing depended on it. That would be Noodles the Wonder Dog, shown here on top of the couch, but do not be fooled. She is actually stalking something in the kitchen in slow-mo. Noodles is 12-0 v. wildlife in the yard/house, including 6 rats, 4 mice, a bird, and a possum. The possum was the best, She had him under the house, and wh3en I went to investigate, Mr. Possum figured, "aw hell, I better run for it". Bad mistake. Noddles got hold of him and was all whackwhackwhackwhackwhack for about 10 seconds, and Mr. Possum was no more, and he was not playing dead either. noodles then started to take him under the porch for a little feast, as she was a street dog, when found, but I intervened and she got a treat for whacking Mr. Possum. She treed a Barn Owl on top of a telephone pole one night, well, to be honest, the Owl was sitting on top and interestedly peering at her, as she barked wildly at it. I believe she would attempt to run a bear off if it got in the yard, if not try and kill and eat it. And that brings us to the photoshop of the day:

Noodles sees the bear that has inexplicably entered her yard.

Noodles finishing her interaction with the Bear.
So there you have it. Noodles 1, Bears 0.

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