Sunday, June 5, 2011

I've been watching Chaos, the Freddy Martinez CIA show, and I'm kinda pissed off. The show was a mid season replacement, and was canceled after 2 freakin' episodes. I just got done with s1ep6, and the show and it's story arc are really, really taking off. The characters are starting to develop into actual people, and not just caricatures of government drones in a cubicle farm environment. The James Murray plays the enforcer, and is terrifyingly hilarious. "My stomach is upset, because that's where I keep all my worry. If you do not get my friend out of jail, I'm going to rip you in half" is one of the all time great threats.
The 4 on the OCS team are fairly well drawn, but there are small subtleties to other side players including the Director of Operations Red Foreman, who does a tasty job with the little bits that he's thrown. Non ridiculous plots about the spy game(Chuck?)that are plausible enough, and are still offbeat.Watch it now, and hope that USA or some other network picks it up. but there are small subtleties to other side players including the Director of Operations Red Foreman, who does a tasty job with the little bits that he's thrown. Watch it now, and hope that USA or another of the fine Cabletown family of networks picks it up and makes it a hit.

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